Home remedies alone as a treatment for kidney infections are not a good idea.Kidney infections can cause severe symptoms and lead to kidney damage, and so a person will need antibiotics to treat the infection.However, a person can use home remedies to support their recovery further and reduce the likelihood that the kidney infection will come back.Before taking any supplements as a home remedy, a person should check with their doctor to make sure they do not interfere with any other medications they are taking.Kidney infections usually start with a bladder infection that spreads to your kidney. Bacteria called E. coli are most often the cause. Other bacteria or viruses can also cause kidney infections.It’s rare, but an infection can also get in through your skin, make its way into your blood, and travel to your kidney. You can get an infection after kidney surgery, too, but that’s even more unlikely.Anyone can get a kidney infection. But just as women get more bladder infections than men, they also get more kidney infections.A woman’s urethra is shorter than a man’s, and it’s closer to their vagina and anus. That means it’s easier for bacteria or viruses to get into a woman’s urethra, and once they do, it’s a shorter trip to the bladder. From there, they can spread to the kidneys.Pregnant women are even more likely to get bladder infections. This is because of hormone changes and because a baby puts pressure on the mother’s bladder and ureters and slows the flow of urine.